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CNN Tech Article on Opti – the Future of Flood Management

News Opti, a Renewal3 portfolio company, develops stormwater management software that is more important now than ever. As climate change increases the frequency and severity of extreme weather - cities will need to adapt quickly, and with the latest technology. Opti...

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2017 Best for the World

News     January 9, 2018 REVISION: We are excited to announce that Renewal Funds is a 2017 Best for the World honoree! We were missing from the original list due to a calculation error. This is the third time Renewal is a BFTW Overall. Thank you B Lab for...

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Women-Led Businesses Are Winners

News Blog by Nicole Bradbury, Renewal Funds SVP At Renewal we were recently reminded about a Babson College study from a few years ago on the (under)funding of women entrepreneurs by venture capital investors....

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